Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Addiction Free Forever!

Is alcohol or drug use badly affecting your life
or someone's life who you care about?

The Addiction Free Forever Program is guaranteed to show how to permanently end an alcohol or drug problem and have a deeply fulfilling life naturally...

This program doesn't ask you to give up drugs or alcohol without first showing you something better to take their place.

Then as you get stronger in the better life, you automatically wean yourself off of drugs or alcohol.

You can download this life transformation method for just $29.95 (no shipping charges), which is far less than even one visit to a counselor! And if my and other's experiences with therapists, counselors and psychologists are any indication, you will accomplish with this program what you might not accomplish in many years of regular visits to them.

It's not realistic to expect someone to permanently "say no to drugs" unless they have something better to say "yes" to.

This method not only shows what that better "yes" is,
it puts you right into that life step by step.

This program gives you a NATURAL way to break free from addiction for good and shows you something better to say "yes" to which gives you the strength, peace and joy to say "no" to drugs.

Begin a new life where you will feel good NATURALLY without having to medicate yourself just to get through the day, your job or life itself. Find out how to have such a good life that alcohol and drugs will be NO fun.

This method goes beyond the 12 step programs.
It cures you, not keeping you a perpetual addict.

The method in this program has taken away my desire to use alcohol or drugs and I can say that I'm no longer an addict or alcoholic. Unlike 12-step programs that don't claim to cure a person from alcoholism or drugs but just to control them, the method in this program, when put into practice will cure you so that you are no longer an alcoholic or addicted person. You won't have to stand up and say "My name is ____, and I'm an alcoholic (or drug addict)" because you won't be an alcoholic or drug addict anymore. You can be cured! And you will feel and know for sure that you are, just like I did 24 years ago after 18 years of using alcohol and drugs.

If you follow what is in this program, you will lose your cravings and be addiction free... guaranteed or your money back. You don't need to interrupt your life and pay a large sum of money to go off to an expensive rehab program that takes you away from your everyday life, family and friends. You can work through this program at home while continuing your job and life. Or if you'd like some extra help with it, I'm available for personal coaching either through telephone or e-mail.

Why not try this method before investing large sums of money into rehab and counseling that might not even work? Or, tell your friend or relative who is struggling with this issue about this, or buy it as a gift for them to show how much you care about them. I urge you to try what is in this program and see that it will work for you, just as it has worked for me. I truly believe it has the only real way to cure addictions. And frankly I don't see any other possible way to PERMANENTLY end an addiction. I'm clean and sober, deeply fulfilled and very inspired now for over 24 years and you can be too.

Stop the pain of living a life on the roller coaster ride of addiction and begin your new life today!